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10 Myths about Wound Healing:
How much do you know about proper treatment of every day cuts or grazes? Read on, you’ll find out the ten most common and persistent myths about wound care...

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01 Myth

"Do wounds heal better when exposed to air?"

This is a myth that has persisted for decades. Surprising, as the top priority of wound care should always be to keep a wound as clean, germ-free and protected as possible.That is why after having cleaned the wound with a wound spray (free of alcohol, so that it doesn't hurt) one should always apply an adhesive bandage on the injured area!


All Elastoplast adhesive bandages are breathable and protect the wound from external influences, so that dirt and bacteria cannot penetrate and the risk of infection is reduced. In addition, the wound pad of the adhesive bandage will cushion the wound and protect from painful friction and pressure. Result: wound healing can take place as undisturbed as possible.


02 Myth

"Adhesive bandages are a possible breeding ground for germs"

Another common myth is that bacteria are supposed to multiply under a wound dressing. Quite the contrary is true: Using the correct adhesive bandage to cover up a wound which has previously been cleaned out will protect it from contamination through germs and bacteria, thus preventing possible infections.

03 Myth

"The better the wound care, the smaller the scar"

Quite true. For thorough cleaning and taking care of your injury with the right dressing or adhesive bandage will help your body heal the best it can. Thus, potential complications such as bacterial infections, re-tearing of the wound caused by external influences and crusty scabs are avoided - all of those being factors that would contribute to scarring.

04 Myth

"Slowly healing wounds can be an indication for serious diseases"

Correct. Wounds that take unusually long to heal may very well be a signal of the body. Wounds that are especially reluctant to heal may for example be a typical symptom of a disease such as diabetes mellitus, or may indicate an impaired immune system or blood circulation problems. Therefore it is important to have your wound checked by a doctor for possible causes if you suspect that it takes longer than usual to heal in spite of it being properly cared for.

05 Myth

"The deeper the wound, the greater the pain"

Thinking that this may be true makes sense somehow, as it is easy to assume that a wound may be more painful the deeper it is. However, just the opposite can be the case. Due to the large number of nerve fibres located just under the top layer of our skin (the epidermis) superficial abrasions or burns will often cause more pain than a stab or a cut that may happen when working in the kitchen or workshop. Caution: any deep puncture wounds or cuts that bleed severely should always be cared for by a doctor!

06 Myth

"Wounds just need an adhesive bandage on day one"

Many people tend to apply an adhesive bandage in the acute phase of the injury only, that is, just until the bleeding has stopped. Then the adhesive bandage is removed and discarded as quickly as possible in order "to let the wound breathe".


Scientific studies have shown, however, that in most cases wound healing will proceed better and without complications if the wound is protected with an adhesive bandage until they have healed off completely.


It is recommended to change your adhesive bandage every day or to renew it after it has gotten wet, for hygiene reasons.

07 Myth

"Alcohol cleans and disinfects wounds best"

Careful! Unfortunately, this is one of the most common misconceptions around. Alcohol is not a good choice for cleaning and disinfecting an injury for a number of reasons: It will not only burn on your skin when being applied which makes it particularly unsuitable for treating children´s wounds. It is also regarded as unsuitable for the sensitive wound tissue. Experts recommend to use products free of alcohol, containing antiseptic agents such as polyhexanide instead, as correct choice for painless wound disinfection and cleaning.

08 Myth

"Seawater supports the healing process"

This is a legend that seems to originate from pirate and adventure novels. Even if many of us would love to believe this romantic theory: we are afraid to have to tell you that it is not true.


What many people do not consider is that sea water may be severely contaminated, especially near those coast stretches - with a variety of highly unsavoury germs or chemicals "swimming" in it. Both of which would contribute significantly to the risk of an infection and can delay wound healing. In addition, contact with water will swell the skin, which may affect the process of wound closure. In this case, bacteria and germs may easily enter the wound and the risk of wound infection would be increased even more.

09 Myth

"Wounds itch when healing"

We all know the feeling: some time after an injury, the affected area will begin to tingle and itch. This goes especially for superficial wounds.


And yes – in fact, this itching may indicate that the healing process is well on its way.


But do watch out! Should your wound be very red, suppurate, or the itching turns into a throbbing sensation, you should definitely consult a doctor because these could be signs of an infection that should be treated medically as soon as possible.

10 Myth

"Small wounds don’t need to be treated"

Playing down a small wound? Unfortunately, many of us make that mistake. Though it should be clear to anybody that for bacteria even the smallest pinprick offers a huge entry hole into our body. Therefore: Always treat any wound with appropriate wound care, no matter how small it may be. This helps to prevent infection and will ensure optimal healing.

Conclusion: Put an adhesive bandage on it!

“Taking proper care of your injury can accomplish almost small miracles when it comes to your skin; especially if you use the right adhesive bandage to cover it. That is why it is worthwhile to always have adhesive bandages in different sizes at hand, so you are prepared for all eventualities.”


We hope to have clarified a few misconceptions on the topic of wound care and brought you up to date, so that you and your family can benefit from it. Take good care!


Last but not least...
...we would like to point out that all of the above given tips have been compiled carefully, but naturally cannot substitute medical advice and treatment. This applies most notably for larger and large injuries which in any event require medical care. Please always read the instructions for use and/or the patient information leaflet of our products carefully to make the best use of them. Thank you.